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Curriculum Vitae

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Personal Details:

Name: Sahib Mustaqim Bernd Helmut BLEHER, Dip.Trans., MCIL, MBA, PhD

Contact: PO Box 844, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2YT, UK

Tel: +44 1908 671756,

Fax: +44 7092 233559,

Mobile: +44 7860 646828,

Email: bleher@truetranslation.com

Date of birth: 12 February 1959

Place of birth: Heidelberg, Germany

Marital status: married, five children

Areas of competence: Linguistics, Education, Management consultancy, Aviation, Alternative Medicine



2006 Professorship in Applied Linguistics and Translation, Ecole Superior International De Bruxelles

2003/2006 Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Linguistics, ESIB.

2002/2006 Master in Business Administration (MBA) in Educational Management, ESIB.

2002 Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Studies in Education (Sociolinguistics and Management), Open University.

1999 Postgraduate Diploma in Translation, Chartered Institute of Linguists (Dip Trans IoL). Awarded membership of the institute (MCIL).

1995-1996 Iridology correspondence course with continuous assessment with the Anglo European School of Iridology. Opted out of final examination as study was undertaken out of interest and not in order to set up practice. Other alternatives medicines studied: Phytotherapy (former member of British Herbal Medicine Association), Aromatherapy.

1970-1978 Grammar school (Gymnasium Wiesloch and Lise-Meitner Gymnasium Heidelberg); studied German, English, French, Maths, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Arts and Physical Education. Graduated with "Fachhochschulreife". Also studied Latin up to O-level equivalent, and Arabic out of school hours.

1966-1970 Primary school in Wiesloch


1998-2001 Theroretical and practical study leading to the award of an FAA Instrument Rating (Airplane).

1996 Theoretical and practical study leading to the award of a CAA Night Rating.

1996 Theroretical and practical study leading to the award of a CAA Instrument Meterological Rating (IMC).

1993-1995 Theoretical and practical study leading to the award of a CAA Private Pilot Licence (Airoplanes).

I am a member of AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) and have been awarded their “Gold Wings”. I am further a member of PPL-IR, an organisation for instrument rated private pilots.

Ongoing appointments:

1988-2007 managing director of Truetranslation Ltd., previously freelance translator and interpreter (following previous part-time translation experience, including published book translations). Translation volume in excess of ½ million words per year.

2005-2007 Dean of Literary Arts and Media Studies, Cybereducation Inc., and member of admission and validation jury.

2005-2007 Partner of HeyU! communications consultancy

1989-2007 managing director of Mustaqim Ltd. Publishing and Consultancy.

2006-2007 Board member (Director of Communications) for Angel Flight Europe

Past appointments:

1995-2004 Visiting minister at Milton Keynes General Hospital.

1995-2003 Visiting minister and member of Chaplaincy management team at Woodhill High Security prison, Milton Keynes

1990-2004 Editor of Common Sense magazine

1989-2004 General Secretary and Education Spokesman for Islamic Party of Britain

1997-1999 manager of IT facilities and webmaster for multilingual site (part-time) at International Printing and Communications Ltd., Milton Keynes.

1997-1999 audio recording of language study tapes for the Open University, Milton Keynes

1995-1999 part-time language teaching to GCSE and A-Level standard at Bury Lawn Independent School, Milton Keynes.

1988-1990 non-executive director of MES educational charity, London; responsible for curriculum development and inspection of a group of independent schools as well as media liaison and public relations.

1986-1988 typesetting supervisor at GFL Ltd., London, including training of new staff.

1985-1986 Customer care manager at Badia GmbH, Frankfurt/M., an international trading company. Responsibility for a variety of overseas transactions.

1983-1985 proof-reader at IWA Research Academy, Cologne. Extensive involvement in school book research conducted in conjunction with Braunschweig University. Further responsibilities involved the setting up of the Academy's own publishing, setting and printing facilities, including staff training.

1983-1987 proprietor and director of Mustaqim Verlag und Vertrieb publishing house.

1982 manager for dark room operations at Darunnur GmbH, publishing house, Aachen. Duties involved setting up dark room facilities from scratch for a newly founded large book printing company and staff training.

1979-1981 full-time freelance journalist (text + photo) for Heidelberger Tageblatt and Mannheimer Morgen. Duties included reporting, editing and page-design; holiday cover for sub-editor.

1975-1979 part-time freelance journalist for Heidelberger Tageblatt

Keyboard & IT skills:

I type in excess of 75 words per minute. I have worked with UNIX platforms as well as DOS, Windows and Apple Mac operating systems. I am familiar with and competent in most of today's PC software applications, including Wordprocessors, Databases, Desk Top Publishing, Spreadsheets, Graphics programmes, Communications Software, Internet & Mail Client Software, Java Programming.


Reading, Photography (particularly aerial photography), Aviation (I hold a CAA Private Pilots Licence with IMC and night rating and an FAA Instrument Rating), Sports (5th kyu in Kyokoshinkai Karate, now studying Tai Chi Chuan), and Complimentary Medicine (Phytotherapy – previously a Member of the British Herbal Medicine Association, Aromatherapy, Iridology).

Published Book Translations:

Das ist die aufrechte Religion. Brief des Ibn Taymiya an den Koenig von Zypern. Aus dem Arabischen. Aachen 1984. [Arabic to German, 55 pages]

Das Leben Muhammads (M. H. Haikal) Aus dem Arabischen. Siegen 1987. [Arabic to German, 489 pages]

Revision of existing translations:

The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an, An Explanatory Translation by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall. Fully revised new modern English edition, Birmingham, IDCI 2004.

The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, English Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Fully revised new modern English edition. Birmingham, IDCI 2004.

Authorship/ Publications:

Das Zeugnis der Bibel. Biblische Zitate weisen auf die Wahrheit des Qur'an. Weilerswist 1984.

The Bible's Witness. Biblical quotations point to the truth of the Qur'an. London 1988.

Islam under the Cloud of Ignorance. The Fiqh of Freedom ‑ a Law for Liberation. in: Common Sense 15, Milton Keynes 1995.

A Programme for Muslim Education in a Non‑Muslim Society. in: Ghulam Sarwar et al, Issues in Islamic Education. London 1996.

The New Millennium Through Muslim Eyes. Birmingham, UKIM 1999.

Islam A Brief Guide, Birmingham, IDCI 2002.

Understanding the Qur’an. 34 audio lessons in MP3 format (CD). Milton Keynes, Mustaqim 2005.

For they killed him not – a Muslim portrayal of Jesus. Birmingham, IDCI 2005.


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